| Jam Club Summertour w/ The Vaders | Koblenz | ||
| Klup Scheisse - Summertour w/ The Vaders | Köln | ||
| AK 44 - Summertour w/ The Vaders | Gießen | ||
| Martha - Summertour w/ The Vaders | Kiel | ||
| Bastard Club - Summertour w/ The Vaders | Osnabrück | ||
| Wohnwelt - Summertour w/ The Vaders | Wunstorf | ||
| K19 - Summertour w/ The Vaders + No Opinion | Kassel | ||
| Juz Treff - Summertour w/ The Vaders | Alfeld | ||
| Juzi - Summertour w/ The Vaders | Göttingen |
Freitag, 17. Juli 2009
The Driftwood Fairytales - TourTape
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009
Cardinal Sin

Montag, 13. Juli 2009
Against Your Society - Wreck My Soul
On tour with The Effort this summer:
Samstag, 11. Juli 2009
Freitag, 10. Juli 2009
Cobra Skulls - American Rubicon

Hudson Falcons - La Famiglia

Brainworms – Brainworms II: Swear to me
'Swear To Me' improves on Brainworms' former material by taking a more progressive approach. Blues style solos, group vocals, and various studio techniques are taken to make the sound more layered and diverse. For reference, think Bear vs. Shark's evolution from debut to sophomore release. The guitar attack of the group has been stepped up a notch and the addition of Josh Small layers the sound nicely. The odd fit in Brainworms has always been lead vocalist Greg Butler who physically resembles Tim Harrington of Les Savy Fav fame. Butler's voice has a distinct distorted sound to it whether it is synthetic or natural. This really helps his voice contrast with very high frequency guitar and bass parts that the group likes to employ. Butler's lyrics also show themselves to be just as sophisticated as the song structures. His penchant for illustrating hardcore concepts in a personal way echoes other Virginia groups like Haram or Malady. His lyrics on 'Swear To Me' seem to be focusing on the various realities that accompany the term home, whether it is a person or place. Butler seems to be aching to find and define his own "home" and these thoughts seem to be a basis in the lyrical side of 'Swear To Me'. Of course the material strays into other realms whether it be the political 'Whatever, That's How You Get Famous' or the two instrumental tracks 'Vulgar Display of Flowers' and 'The Pinnacle of Story Telling.'
'Swear To Me' is a great record both because it is extremely enjoyable to listen to, while at the same time it helps carve out its own niche in post-hardcore. Fans of Bear vs. Shark, Hot Water Music, or a Dischord association would be wise to check out 'Swear To Me' - it really is a great and new sounding example of that sound.

Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009
Dienstag, 7. Juli 2009
Anti-Biotics - Pineview
You can also download their LP from myspace !!!

Beltones - Cheap Trinkets

Montag, 6. Juli 2009
Sonntag, 5. Juli 2009
Lucero - Nobodys Darlings
While there are still signs from the previous effort (see “Sixteen” and “All the Same To Me”), the majority of Nobody’s Darlings is rock‘n'roll from below the Mason-Dixon line at its finest. From the wheel-turning guitar chug in “Watch It Burn” to the burley Southern dialect of vocalist/guitarist Ben Nichols proves that the choice to further expand their musical horizon is no mistake. Having already pulled comparisons to the legendary Johnny Cash and late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, a draw to Mike Ness of Social Distortion is heavily hinted at on the high-flying “Bikerider.”
Not many albums can paint a picture before your eyes as the ambience fills the airwaves, but as the dust from the speeding motorcycle settles, a beautiful sun-filled horizon comes into focus as the title track guides another shot of whiskey down. ”…And we raise a glass” croons the rough Nichols as “And We Fell” chases another shot down at the bar with your closest friends on a cool summer’s evening.
The slower rockers on the record such as “Noon As Dark A Midnight,” “Hold Me Close,” and the aforementioned two tracks are some of the most refreshing of the year; nothing is more exciting than the raw, balls out Dixie-guitar blazers such as “California” and another late evening drinking song “Last Night In Town.” The finishing touch to this perfect road trip mixture of songs is the most mature and emotionally depressing song Lucero have ever written. A gloomy tale of a lonely World War II draftee who took his own life solidifies the impact the group has nailed with Nobody’s Darlings: An emotional ride that is every bit as enjoyable as it is remarkably lifelike.

Smalltown - The Music

Saint Alvia - Between The Lines

Tiltwheel - Battle Hymns for the Recluse Youth

Dear Landlord - Dream Homes
Check out this review...

Blocko - Edmonson Ave

Dienstag, 9. Juni 2009
The Appleseed Cast - The End Of The Ring Wars
Music can change lives. Music can make a grown man cry, and music can make you feel right inside. Very few albums have changed my life in a drastic way. This is one of them...
The first time I listened to this CD, I was awe struck within the first minute of the opening track "Marigold and Patchwork". Not because of the lyrics (because the singer doesn't kick in until after about a minute and a half) but because of the pure emotions this music stirred. Intricate yet simple guitars open the first song, the drums kick in, and the pure energy of the song is unleashed. The singer screams "Fall Down Marigold" and you just know that what he has to say is important. You know that there is real meaning and purpose to the song. When a song portrays beauty and emotion so vividly through both the music and the vocals, a work of art has been created. 'The End of the Ring Wars' is a masterpiece.
Every single song on this album evokes emotion. The thick and loud guitars are complemented nicely by the drum and bass work that keeps the songs moving foward. The vocals may sound a little rough to some, but they are raw and true. Screams abound, although there is some singing thrown in when appropriate. The production is top notch, and the art work is a little disturbing but is great as well. What makes this album (and the band) stand out amongst its peers is the emotion. This is not your sterotypical emo record. No whining and no bullshit. This is real, heartfelt, inspirational, emotional music (what "real" (I hate saying that) emo is about).
The Appleseed Cast have been making music for years, and continue to today. They created the "Low Level Owl Vol. 1 & 2" series which garnered critical acclaim as they are masterpieces in their own right and showed a real growth and maturity in the band. As far as 'the End of the Ring Wars' goes, it is a true masterpiece that is beautiful and heartfelt, and is a testement to why music is important. This record may not change your life or affect you the way it has me, but it will rock you. Pick this up, it's a beautiful and rocking record.
Foundation - Chimborazo

Sonntag, 7. Juni 2009
Samstag, 30. Mai 2009
Get Bend - Demo

Sugarbombs - Tear Their World Down, Build Up Your Own
edit: for some reasons some of the tags are wrong, i`ll upload a tracklist in the next few days

Vietnam Werewolf. Sounds pretty scary. Like Michael J. Fox eloped with one of John McCain’s lovechildren. In reality, they’re not scary at all, and play a gritty, familiar combination of early hardcore styles and straight-up punk rock with a tinge of pop-punk that meets halfway between two of Minneapolis’ finest in Dillinger Four and early Replacements. The hooks are generally subtle, while the lyrics are more direct, crafting fiery protest songs of intelligent dissidence. Take for example “Patriotic Cancer,” which while sounding a bit like Moral Crux, reads more like a handful of lines out of Dan Yemin’s lyrical booklet: “Step back and spin around / Let’s count the number of walls and figure out which ones we can start tearing down / Ask every single governor why they think they deserve to tell us what purpose we serve / And what our bodies’ parts are for / […] / You’ve been in our business and bedrooms for too long / There’s the fucking door."
What sets Vietnam Werewolf and their debut Ohio’s City apart is that while so many pop-punkish bands are content to lay down a couple chords and one or two good hooks and move on to the next song, Vietnam Werewolf never run this risk of simplistic homogeneity because all their songs are well-composed of many different parts and songwriting devices. Listening to the ‘Wolf reminds me of a Jeff Ott quote describing one of his former bandmates, whose songwriting would “literally make you brain hurt.” I’m not sure if that’s really the case with Vietnam Werewolf, but it certainly seems like they put a good amount of effort into their songwriting. Even with the songs that erupt more out of sheer energy than technical craft, like the scream-along “I’m Going to Blow,” you can tell that the band has a firm grasp on what they’re trying to do, filling the measures with sly, underlying emphases that may not even be apparent upon the first listen.
Some of the album’s finest moments are spread between different facets of the band’s work. The ambitious sing-along chorus of the cheeky “I Used to Be a Kid, I’m a Notary Public Now” engenders a tone of hopefulness, while “Expiration Dates” features a pounding lead-in and slightly resembles one of Berkeley’s tragically un-remembered punk bands, the Wunder Years. Lyrically, Vietnam Werewolf hits their stride in the feisty lefty-punk anthem “More than a Sound”: "I thought a part of punk was asking some questions / About the lies we’re fed and challenging conventions / There’s a joke called 'the revolution' / And it looks a lot like white, middle class rebellion."
This may be the first full-length from Vietnam Werewolf, but they are a band with roots planted in the best traditions of punk rock. Ohio’s City is punchy and well-composed, snarky yet reflective, and teeming with literate punk vigor. When the moon is high over Hanoi (and even when it’s not), expect Vietnam Werewolf and Ohio’s City to be delivering some of the best new punk around.
[Some disclosure: VW features staff reviewer Matt Whelihan.]

MR. BURNS - Where Is Your Freedom?

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009
A short break...
I`ve a lot of stuff to do, so no posts till week.
Some impressions from last saturday:
Demonstration against the 60th Anniversary of the constitution for the Federal Republic of Germany :
Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009
Saw Wheel - The Next Train

Charlie Brown Gets a Valentine - Dismissed

Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009
Check http://www.myspace.com/brainwormsrva for Tourdates...

split with The Catalyst
Which Is Worse
Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009
I`m Sorry...
Samstag, 16. Mai 2009
North Lincoln - Midwestern Blood
