Mittwoch, 29. April 2009
Mediafire problems
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Bloodbath & Beyond - Jihadcore EP

Sonntag, 26. April 2009
One for the Team - Build It Up

Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass ich kein großer Fan von Indie Gitarren-Pop bin, dementsprechend skeptisch war ich, als Alex von Rock This Town mir diese CD zum besprechen in die Hand drückte.
Doch kaum rotierte Build It Up in meinem CD Player, hatte es mich auch schon in seinen Bann geschlagen...
Hier treffen extrem eingängige Melodien auf Gitarren die punkig genug sind, um die Songs niemals in die Belanglosigkeit des Mainstreampops abrutschen zu lassen. Und genau dort liegt die Stärke dieses Albums. Den trotz des männlich/weiblichen Wechselgesangs, der zuckersüßen Melodien und des hohen Wohlfühlfaktors schaffen es die Songs noch genug DIY Bodenständigkeit zu bewahren um mein kleines Punkerherz vor Freude hüpfen zu lassen. Just in dem Moment als ich mir diesen tollen Satz ausdenke wirft meine Feundin "Weakerthans" in den Raum. Hmm, stimmt! Da hätte ich auch selber drauf kommen können...
Um beim namedropping zu bleiben: "Its heavy guitars and solid vocal delivery make it a standout, redolent of Tegan and Sara with, quite literally, more balls." Diesen Vergleich aus einem anderem Review fand ich nicht nur ganz lustig, sondern auch ( zumindestens manchmal) passend
Was noch zu sagen bleibt ist, dass die lyrics gar nicht mal so dumm sind und dass One For The Team aus Minneapolis kommen. Und mal ehrlich fällt euch auf Anhieb ne schlechte Band aus der Heimat von Dillinger Four und den mächtigen Replacements ein???
Death Is Not Glamorous - Soft Clicks
auf Tour mit The Riot Before
30.04.2009 - Kiel - Martha
01.05.2009 - Lichtenstein - Jz Riot
03.05.2009 - Berlin - Lokal
05.05.2009 - Wien (A) - Arena
08.05.2009 - Schaffhausen (CH) - Fasskeller
09.05.2009 - Wangen - Juze Tonne
10.05.2009 - Darmstadt - Oetinger Villa
11.05.2009 - Ibbenbüren - JKZ Scheune
12.05.2009 - Köln - Club Scheisse
13.05.2009 - Arnhem (NL) - The Stage
14.05.2009 - Hamburg - Rote Flora

Samstag, 25. April 2009
The Great St Louis

Freitag, 24. April 2009
Rumspringer - Selftitled EP
for fans of Latterman, Jawbreaker, and The Lawrence Arms. Six insanely
catchy songs that you'll find yourself listening to over and over again,
with lyrics we can all relate to.
Edit: I`ve put up a new rarfile...

Dienstag, 21. April 2009
The Measure [SA] - Songs About People...and Fruit 'n Shit
The songs on Fruit 'n Shit simply sound more realized than the band ever really has. "Drunk by Noon" begins with an understated riff and Lauren giving a sort of emphasized murmur over the rolling action, with a full-on chorus that hits home hard. "Revisionist" delivers a great jolt of energy in the early goings while the minimalism and acoustic/electric dual approach of "How to Steal a Million" makes it a great centerpiece.
I'm not quite as stoked on the flipside of the record (though the melodic, rambled refrains of "Hello Bastards" are sweet), but this is still a generously packaged release with a lot of clear effort and care put in.

The Gundown - A Tribute To Isolation

Montag, 20. April 2009
A tribute to Dischord Records
02 The Robocop Kraus - Filler (Minor Threat)
03 Là Par Force - Better half (One Last Wish)
04 Bleed Into One - Who are you? (Void)
05 Weeping Minds Of Silence - Twist and shout (Happy Go Lucky)
06 Amen 81 - I can't forgive (Embrace)
07 The Nationale Blue - Double edged knife (Slant 6)
08 Terence Kill - This side up (Scream)
09 Unmono - Hooversque (Hoover)
10 Flying Donuts - We all fall down (Egg Hunt)
11 Genetiks - Pop man (Circus Lupus)
12 Seven Feet Four - 4 AM (Gray Matter)
13 Anyway - N-Sub ulysses (The Nation Of Ulysses)
14 The European Translation Of - Blueprint (Fugazi)
15 Idecide - Dreamless (Jawbox)
16 Sky Promises Rain - The godfather (Dag Nasty)
17 Eve Massacre - Controversal chicks (Shudder To Think & The Monorchid)
18 Squarewell - Promises (Fugazi)
19 Rydell - Heaven here / Day ditty (Shudder To Think)
20 Peace Of Mind - Turn the tables (Marginal Man)
21 Kidsgofree - The view from this tower (Faraquet)
22 Driving The Salt - I hate the kids (State Of Alert)

Sonntag, 19. April 2009
Good Luck - Into Lake Griffy


Samstag, 18. April 2009
Sink Franatra!

Lefthand Thirdfinger - Missing Monkey Found Shaved

Montag, 13. April 2009
The Knockdown – Test/Retest
Hot Water Music-esque, with catchy guitar work over a Latterman sing-along punk sound.

Architects - Vice

Madison Bloodbath - Gittin' Loose
Either way, they do a good job of it. Tuneful, driving, and solid.
These guys really hit their stride mid way through this disc with songs
like “Pick Axe,” “Prom Night at the Burn Clinic,” and the piano-driven
“Oh, The Places You’ll Stay.” A lot of broken hearts and alcohol
consumption going on, along with some soul searching.

Samstag, 11. April 2009
Freitag, 10. April 2009
Down in the Dumps - Dumps Luck

Jon Snodgrass - Visitor's Band
Snodgrass recorded Visitor's Band in various sessions spread out all over the United States, with a little help from many of his friends in these locations (hence the title of the record). Fortunately for all of us, the sporadic nature of its conception doesn't make itself known in the finished product, thanks in large part to the constant that is Snodgrass himself and his deep, smoky voice.
The more rootsy material on this record is right up there with Snodgrass' finest work in Drag the River in terms of quality. The opening 1-2 punch of "Brave with Strangers" and "Thru the Fan" are both full of lush, layered acoustic and electric guitars. Minimal percussion in each song keeps the beat, so to speak, while Snodgrass croons smoothly and confidently. Things get a little more somber on "Song for Jake Nichols to Sing" and "Finally," but the end results are just as solid; the former contains more minimal percussion that rightfully stays in the background, while the latter relies on a low-end electric guitar riff for depth.
Showcasing his versatility as a performer for those who haven't been familiarized with the man's past projects, Snodgrass ups the tempo on "Remember My Name," a song recorded with labelmates Two Cow Garage that features weeping guitar solos, a healthy dose of organ and plenty of choice backup vocals, especially in the chorus. Same goes for the driving "Fast in Last" and the louder, faster "Not That Rad" which is, in fact, pretty rad. There's a tasteful amount of twang injected into each of the more rock-oriented songs as well, that while not seeming like a big deal on the surface, really helps this record stay cohesive.
Much like past Snodgrass-related releases, the final track on Visitor's Band is the entire record over again on one track with some alternate versions of the songs. But, if we're not counting that track, this record is a nice, succinct listen at 10 songs and 29 minutes and shows that while Armchair Martian and Drag the River lie in seemingly permanent states of minimal activity, dude can always ring up some friends, do this shit himself and have the finished product be up to par with everything else he's done. That, my friends, is talent.

Psyched To Die - Sterile Walls

Mittwoch, 8. April 2009
Yesterdays Ring - Diamonds In The Ditch

David Dondero-Mischief Brew - Two Boxcars Split

Witches with Dicks - Manual

Samstag, 4. April 2009
Banner Pilot - Resignation Day
Black SS - Foreign Object
This is no nazi bullshit!!!

Glass & Ashes - Selftitled

Freitag, 3. April 2009
The Great St. Louis - Forever Now
Every now and then I'll feel like I am drifting away from punk music, that none of it interests me anymore, and that I might as well resign myself to the fact that every punk band I really love put out their best records in the last century. Then, inevitably, I'll hear a new band that puts all those fears to rest and makes me feel like an excited teenager just discovering music all over again. Bolton-based The Great St Louis are, for the moment, that band.
Opening track 'No Change' is a good indicator of what to expect, which is this: melodic punk rock in the vein of Leatherface, but perhaps with the rougher edges sanded down a tad. Not that this is slick, overproduced mush, or indeed like a slick, overproduced Mush (that was a good pun, wasn't it?), it's just that The Great St Louis' take on punk is a bit catchier, has a few more 'whoa-oh's and 'na-na-nahs' and an ever-so-slightly less gruff vocal style than the Boat, with singer John sounding as if he only smokes 400 fags a day to Frankie Stubbs' 1000.
Not that this is Leatherface lite, (Plasticface?), mind you - tracks like 'Tonight' (do check out the video on YouTube), the almost-perfect pop-punk 'Summer', the sounds-a-bit-like-Snuff singalong of 'Sink' and set-closer 'Nah Nah Nah' (guess how that one goes!) prove that this isn't a band just ripping off established punk bands, but a band capable of writing some of the finest, most hook-stuffed punk songs you're likely to hear. It's almost hard to believe that this is their debut album, as there are many bands playing this sort of thing who don't achieve these heights in their entire lifetime.
The only minor disappointment is in their cover of the Levellers' 'Robbie Jones' - it's not that it's bad, but it certainly screams 'B-side', and makes more sense when they play it live than it does in the middle of an album. But that literally is the only 'flaw' with the album - that one of the tracks is merely 'quite good', while the rest are nigh-on unbeatable.
I'm trying not to be too hyperbolic about this record, but if there is a better album by a UK punk band this year - nay, this decade - I'll be very, very surprised indeed. The Great St Louis? The Fucking Amazing St Louis, more like.

Can`t wait to see them live...
I’ve been a pretty big fan of No Idea records for the past few years. Stellar releases from Against Me!, Planes Mistaken For Stars, and Twelve Hour Turn still often find themselves in my CD player. So when a copy of Glass And Ashes's debut album found its way to my desk, along with the description “Glass And Ashes are already garnering comparisons to Planes Mistaken For Stars, Torches To Rome, and Yaphet Kotto, with a touch of D.C.’s past,” I’d be lying if I say it didn’t have me immediately interested. So did the album live up to its billing, and its comparisons?
Yes, and then some. This album really is a breath of fresh air. After the momentary sound of a siren, you get some solid guitar and drum rhythms thrown at you right away on the album's first track, "Black Beneath The Eyes." That more than anything else is noticeable about this album. These guys are great musicians. The guitar work is absolutely incredible throughout the duration, never wavering in intensity, even during the albums more melodic moments. The members of the band all seem so in tune to what the others are doing, that they all draw from each other, and just make everything meld together that much better. They can play to various styles as well, sometimes lashing into all out chaos, other times more subdued, but it’s always interesting, and each member of the band gets their own chances to shine. The distortion on the guitars is just right, and I really love the drums on this album. Listen to "Controlled Burn" for evidence in just how good these drums are, and what good rhythms are kept by the bassist and guitarists.
To accompany music this good, outstanding vocals are necessary, and luckily, this album presents some of the best I’ve heard in a while. Frenzied, passionate, but always with just the right level of intensity. They’re nothing over the top, and the singer has a relatively unique voice, a raspy voice, almost a scowl, like he’s screaming without even trying. That’s one of the things that makes this such a genuinely good album, is that these guys sound extremely talented without trying to be so. Confusing? Probably, but when you listen, you’ll know what I mean.
I’m not going to compare the singer to anybody else; I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions, because I don’t feel that any connection I draw will do him justice. The vocals really reach their pinnacle on "Eighty Six," and the instrumentation shines there as well. This song perfectly shows what a complete package that this album can be. When the song finally ends amidst waves of reverb, you just wish it would keep on going.
With all the great things this album has laid down, I’d say they wouldn’t affect me as much if the lyrics were really lacking, but that couldn’t be more opposite the truth. The lyrics these guys have put down are deeply rooted in political and social conscience. From the politically-driven "The Art Of Selling," to the album's most poignant moment "Dividing Line," these guys are quite intelligent about the way they use their words. "Dividing Line" is a song about rape, which is not a subject many bands choose to tackle in their songs, but Glass And Ashes do a great job of painting the entire picture of the subject;
She locked herself in her room again, not from one night but from the years that follow it / Running from screaming eyes that ostracize the dividing line between victim and surviving / What would you do if you walked into your sister's room with her crying alone? / Tired of the guilt and shame put on her by spectator and predator / A strong woman might arise despite the victimization from friends now passersby.I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me, that’s some really strong songwriting, and as with the rest of the album, the passion in the vocals only serve to better put across the message behind them.
No Idea has done a great thing to sign this band and put out their debut album. Every aspect of this, from start to finish, feels like a band that’s been around for years and years. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this extremely talented foursome, because if Aesthetic Arrest is any indication, then we’re in for a real treat.

Donnerstag, 2. April 2009
Gunshy - I Gave Too Much Time To The Wine
Gänsehaut!!! Chef suggestion!!!

Fifth Hour Hero - Not Revenge...Just a Vicious Crush
Musically FFH are rocking what label buddies Hot Water Music and Small Bown Bike do but instead of approaching it as an alterna rock song, they just rock out a pop structure. The songs themselves are all of one style but you never get two songs that sound the same, some are mellow punk ballads that build up into strong rock songs and some are just straight chorded melodic hardcore, and the others are all somewhere between.
If you're a fan of No Idea style melodic stuff, check this out.

Monikers - Wake Up
